To raise the effectiveness in a day — really?

How to increase the power of home quick recipes of traditional medicine, nutrition, the focus on the minerals and vitamins that are necessary for a normal erection. The power can be raised and with the help of physical activities with the use of traditional methods. All of the useful tips in this article.

The use of medicines to improve potency

Medications to improve potency

How to quickly raise the potency in men, if the soon planned an intimate evening? Here to help pharmacological means. These tools are designed specifically for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The advantages of the drug is good for portability, performance, irrespective of the age of men, the rapid onset of action.

What vitamins and minerals can quickly increase the efficiency?

State of potency depends on what you eat, from the usefulness of the diet. The intensity of the impact of certain vitamins and minerals:

  1. Zinc. He is part of many enzymes, and therefore participates in metabolic processes. Below the level of testosterone in the body were normal, should be a sufficient amount of this chemical element. Zinc participates in the metabolism of dehydro-testosterone. In the male sexual organs are constantly dividing and restoration of germ cells, this process is slowed by lack of zinc. Reduced number of sperm , reducing their quality. Greater power is often dependent on diet, quickly raise the intensity of the will help foods rich in zinc: shrimp, oysters, wheat bran, anchovies, egg yolk, fish.
  2. Selenium. Is the mineral, which is in large quantities used of the reproductive system in men. The main role of selenium — an antioxidant. Element, which supports the blood vessels in a healthy condition, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack. Relaxation of the body, of radicals, selenium provides a synthesis of sexual hormones and sperm. With its lack of testosterone decreases in the body, which leads to a loss of power. Provide your body with selenium, adding to the nutrition of the products for potency: corn, seafood, tomatoes, garlic and eggs.
  3. Vitamin E. Fat-soluble vitamin, which is known for its strong antioxidant properties. Its operation is multi-dimensional: the normalization of hormonal levels, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stabilizing cell membranes and prevent blood clots. The lack of a-tocopherol, sometimes leads to the development of infertility, also on the part of men. Contains vitamin E foods: vegetable oils, wheat germ, fish, nuts, power, seeds, especially pumpkin.
  4. Seafood
  5. B vitamins group. Often reduced potency is due to the overexertion of the body. Vitamin B1 reduces the fatigue of the body, increases stamina, keeps muscles and brain energy. Vitamin B6 affects the nervous system. To increase efficiency, add in the diet of sunflower seeds, eggs, nuts, saltwater fish.

How to increase the power of home fast?

Increase the efficiency of the speed is possible and at home. Here are a few secrets:

  1. Various water treatments. This can be daily contrast shower, a sauna once a week. This temperature difference has a positive effect on blood flow throughout the body, including in organs of the urogenital system.
  2. Change the diet. Eliminate unhealthy foods, sauces, greasy food. Add to dishes, well-known aphrodisiacs such as celery, parsley, power, and onions.
  3. Ditch unhealthy habits. Both alcohol and Smoking have a negative impact on cellular nutrition authorities. Substances contained in tobacco narrow the blood vessels, decreases the production of sexual hormones.
  4. Sometimes, in order to increase the power in one day, you just need to relax and relieve stress. It is often the stress becomes the cause of impotency.
  5. Workout. They provide a variety of health effects, but their effectiveness cannot be denied. This includes the below.

Physical activity and greater efficiency

Any exercise is beneficial for the whole body. However, experts have developed special spaces for exercise, which purposefully act on the sexual organs, their blood supply and tone the muscles responsible for erection.

Shown exercise if:

  • you lose the morning erection;
  • erection is weak, it is not enough for complete sexual intercourse.
  • he lost attraction to women;
  • the orgasm was not as bright as before.

Here are some examples of exercises:

    Physical activity
  1. Describe how to increase the power quickly at home simply by performing these exercises on a regular basis. A man sits on the floor (warm), to the chair. The legs should be widely set. Back straight, arms hanging down, relaxed breathing, nasal. Between quick short breaths squeeze the palm of the hand, as if some fillers. In addition, try as hard as possible to squeeze the buttocks, to feel all the muscles that are responsible for this movement. After this, slowly exhale. Exercise 7-approaches, among which a moment of rest. This physical stress effectively strengthens the muscles of the perineum, help to control urination, particularly for those who have incontinence. Reduce muscle, doing a kind of massage for the prostate, ensuring the blood flow to a greater extent than before. No doubt soon it will have a positive effect on sexual function.
  2. The second exercise is performed from a prone position on his stomach. Hands bent at the knees, arms at the level of the armpits, knees, that is "see". Gradually inhaling, raise your head and shoulders slowly push your head back. While exhaling, lower your head and chest in the start position. After a few seconds of rest repeat before the 7 approaches.
  3. The next exercise is designed to draw the muscles responsible for potency. it is sitting on a chair, legs apart, straining the muscles located between the anus and testicles. That is, the buttocks should be relaxed;
  4. The next exercise is simple. Standing in place, perform marching steps, such as the possible lifting of the knees.

The function of the exercises, which gradually should increase the load. Increase the number of reps, do the exercises in the morning and in the evening. On average, the effect of the running from the daily quests should be in a week.

In fact, problems with erectile function occur at any age. Most cases of impotence can be resolved by turning for help to the professionals. 95% doctors can again get an erection without surgery. The main condition to maintain the power — the healthy way of life.