If you make the selection from the man when excited, and what?

The appearance of the mystery, which arises from the human body, inform about the norm and on deviations of the. For example, in the case of rhinitis or otitis appearance of the current clearly informed about the disease. The sexual system of the person, that is regulated much more difficult. Allocation in men, the excitation can be of normal condition, or vice versa, that signal the development of the disease.

Couple in bed

If the selection in the male during sexual arousal?

In men, the occurrence of mucus in the urethra, in some cases, a natural and necessary process. If you have an erection, appear transparent allocation in the amount of more drops. They are called pre-ejaculatory fluid, such as physiological phenomena, which are completely normal.

The amount of mucus depends entirely on the characteristics of the male body, and must meet certain characteristics in order to be considered a rule. In particular, it must not be excessive, thickness, colour, specific smell.

The appearance of the secrets, which appears in the following cases, which leads to an erection:

  • Masturbation;
  • Sexual arousal of a partner;
  • Thoughts about intimacy.

The prevalence of this phenomenon also depends on the characteristics of the reproductive system. Some people are faced with the secretions of each institution, while others see them only very rarely.

From the perspective of medical experts, the presence of fluid during sexual arousal stimulates the conception – it plays the role of an additional source of sperm in the process of reaching an egg and reduces the level of acidity in women the vagina that kill sperm. Therefore, discharge from the genitals to take an active part in fertilization and are considered an important mechanism for the male reproductive system.

Why is this happening?

Doctors not fully established the cause of the fluid flow out of the penis, but it turned out that the lubrication in men in the excitation process, which helps to facilitate the release of the head of the genitals the folds, without damage. You need to carefully observe the intimate hygiene of the assigned liquid – a great environment for bacteria to grow.

It is important to note, prolonged abstinence raises a much more profuse discharge, and the composition of secretion becomes thicker and cloudy. You must make sure that there was no change in color, appearing in streaks of blood, unpleasant smell. Some physicians believe that the phenomenon of current occurs because the body is preparing to intimacy with a woman.

An abnormal discharge may occur due to various reasons:

  • Improper diet, especially the consumption of sour, spicy, pickles;
  • Inflammatory processes provoked by pathogenic bacteria;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Complications after surgery or injuries;
  • Oncologic pathology.

Varieties of secretions

Several types of discharge are normal, and provided that they are not accompanied by additional signs.

However, if confounding factors becomes a peculiar odor, itching, fever, tenderness in the groin or penis, is this a cause for concern and treatment for the urologist.

The types of assets that are associated with the norm

Completely normal and natural, is considered to be 3 types of produce and the consequences of the secret.

They are called:

  • Libidinal urethrorrhea. Secret, that have the function of lubrication. It looks like that is a sheer liquid consistency, is fragrance-free. It occurs in small quantities, which does not cause discomfort. In the composition a small amount of sperm, however, unprotected sex can cause pregnancy women a partner;
  • Sigma. The secret whitish, sometimes with yellowish tint, often unpleasant smells. Selection of fluid by the gland, which is located under the foreskin. Her look does not mean pathology, but suggests that man does not respect the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Cum. A white liquid which the mucous membranes of the consistency. The emission takes place from the urethra, during an orgasm. Contains a high percentage of sperm cells and secretions.
Allocation in men

Discharge contains mucus

Often the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. In cases where a secret has a high viscosity, but retains the transparency, the probability of having the following diseases:

  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • Chlamydia.

Also diseases confirmed the presence of a high level of leukocytes in the blood.

The mucous membranes of the separation of the milk light with purulent streaks that accompany such diseases such as:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Ureaplasmosis

In the presence of this disease, the fluid can stand out and in a peaceful state, and then hold the head of the penis and sushi.

Purulent discharge

Please indicate gonorrhea. The escaping liquid, yellow color with a greenish tint and unpleasant odor. The consistency is thick and sticky. In the analysis of a secret is revealed that high level of white blood cells.

The allocation of the inflammation

Inflammatory diseases, which alter the composition of the secretions, which is the result of:

  • Aureus;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • The Fungus Candida;
  • Streptococcus.

If you encounter a non-gonococcal urethritis– inflammation of the urethra channel, allocated to the liquid is characterized by:

  • Stickiness;
  • The presence of mucus;
  • Purulent content.

Accompanied by pain, discomfort, itching.

For diseases of the prepuce, balanoposthitis, characterized by profuse discharge containing much purulent content. There is redness, swelling, severe pain.

Characteristic of Prostatitis the secretion of mucus, mixed with pus. Additional symptoms – pain, reduced erectile function, frequent urge to empty the bladder.

For the definition of candidiasis, it is enough to study photo, which shows his characteristic mystery. This is the consistency of cottage cheese, this form of athlete's foot accompanied by redness of the glans, with itching, burning sensation.

Blood stains

The secret, which contains blood, requires the most attention. These signs indicate:

  • Infectious diseases, primarily chronic urethritis infectious nature;
  • Damage to the urethra the channel in the process of medical manipulations;
  • The removal of sand and stones from the kidney, more blood is visible when urinating;
  • Malignancies in the prostate, ovaries, penis. In this case, the allotment contains brown or dark blood, often in the form of clots.

The norm or deviation?

A certain sign of pathology – the presence of mucus, pus, change the color, of fish or sour odor, the formation of stickiness or turbidity.

Specifications standards:

  • The average density;
  • Transparency;
  • The lack of smell.

In addition to diseases on the quality of the secret influence:

  • Continuous abstinence;
  • Diet;
  • The weakened immune system;
  • Lifestyle and amount of stress.

With a slight change in color and consistency it is important to analyze:

  • Sex, the presence or absence of random and unprotected relations;
  • Factors that contribute to the decline of protective functions of the body;
  • Any changes to the usual menu;
  • The presence of concomitant diseases.

I need to go to the doctor?

Immediate doctor visit requires unusual for men eye-catching secret. All the changes in the structure and color of the fluid is required research identify factors that lead to such violations.

Diagnostic events include:

  • Seeds;
  • Smear from the urethral channel;
  • Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system;
  • A fence of urine for General analysis;
  • Clinical studies blood.

On the basis of the results of the diagnosis is assigned treatment of the basic disease, which is caused by the occurrence of the pathological exudate. Ignoring such signs leads to the deterioration of health and the transition of the disease in chronic, difficult to heal. For a timely visit to the urologist will allow us to cope with the disease and maintain health for a longer period.