How to increase power in men after 60 years – the means and methods

Libido, the opportunity to experience arousal/orgasm and the brightness depends on the hormonal background. When imbalances sexual activity is dulled. Potency in men from 60 years, it is always lower than in the youth, and the reason is the age. The older the person, the "weaker" is in bed.

Causes age impotence

Causes age impotence

In the childbearing age in the body, men develop a "subsidiary" of the hormone inhibin B. Its role is to promote the growth of sperm. It works in tandem with stimulating the (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones. With years of development In inhibin decreases and after menopause can be and is not.

To compensate for the increased levels of the hormones FSH and LH. As a result, the background of in men changing. In his youth, in the blood is dominated by dihydrotestosterone – the most active testosterone in terms of the willingness and ability of procreation. Age-related decline in the synthesis of inhibin In the shifts the focus to reducing the production of testosterone. And, to become more "active" form, he starts slower, or the intensity of the fade.

Greater power in men after 60. year

For predicting the performance of measures for the promotion of libido in men over 60 years of age is not possible. The intensification of the impulse will depend on the severity of age-related changes in hormone levels, cardiovascular disease and other "characteristics" of biological age – no "passport".

But in most cases, the predicted increase male potency favorable. Anyway, if we are talking about patients, older than 60 years without the "aggravating" diagnosis – prostatitis, adenoma and interventions on the genitals, childhood developmental disorders (cryptorchidism, hydrocele), atherosclerosis over 2 stages.


Greater power in men after 60. year, is, first, to increase the levels of active testosterone (so says the majority of the physicians). However, after discontinuation of hormonal therapy disappear and achieve with their help the results. Plus, excess of sexual hormones in the blood of men post-menopausal age is full of heart attack, stroke or cancer, which produce one of the endocrine glands (prostate, testes, adrenal glands).

Among the steroids of the funds to increase the efficiency of the most known is the testosterone enanthate. It comes in a solution for intramuscular injection, which is used for 50 mg, every 14 days. Possible, and the scheme is 200 mg per month, but is often used for men up to 60 years. Among other things, affordable and accessible solutions:

  • antispasmodics. The only condition is that it is necessary to inject in the tissue of the penis for half an hour before sexual activity. The point is that releasing it to supply the member with blood vessels and promotes erections;
  • blockers – one of the most well-known and all natural. This is the alkaloid, which also cause relaxation of peripheral blood vessels. Drink 2-2,5 mg three times a day, with food;
  • medicine for depression. It's a good idea to eat 30 mg once a day for an hour or three before sex. The ability to artificially increase the level of free serotonin and prolong arousal with an erection (0.15 g per day, but in 2 hours, where the main part is consumed before bedtime, and only 1/3 is in the morning).

In comparison with the pharmacy, herbal medicines that have fewer side effects, better combine with alcoholic beverages, without which no cost, no romantic encounter. On their list:

  • natural remedy in drops from aphrodisiacs and stimulants of potency, opened the healers of different countries. In their composition appear popular in the middle East, fucus, fruit of the African Ginkgo biloba, Maca, and Chinese ginseng. Can be combined with alcohol. Drug drip 7-8 drops under the tongue, morning and evening, drinking all the beverages in its sole discretion. General rate increases the power duration from a few weeks to months;
  • tableted preparation on the basis of the elatively. Contains extracts of Damiana, wheat germ, coconut Poria, dwarf lilies, and sassaparila. The pills should be 1 or 2 capsules per day, after meals, 30 days. One-time receiving the double dose, which makes it possible to increase strength after only 15-20 minutes;
  • assets in the capsules to increase the power of a very varied composition. During the non-crop component includes the antlers of deer, propolis and resin of the cedar. Herbal medications for increasing the power are presented lovage, nettle, Orchis, Zhgun-radix (fruit), guarana, mulieres qui in emendo anavar, red root. Men above 60 years of age, the recommended scheme of reception 1 capsule morning and evening for 5-7 days in a row. Then it is better to take a break for a week and repeat.

Folk remedies

The differences between the use of the developed pharmacists of dietary Supplements and means of alternative medicine are in the precise choice of these or other components. In this case, science has borrowed many finds traditional healers. Only doctors, unlike doctors, are more likely to rely on the so-called adaptogens.

The Folk remedies of plant, animal and mineral origin, which increases the overall vitality and immune defense. Official medicine believes that the impact of these funds is too unpredictable, but it is quite trusted them.

Folk remedies
  1. Echinacea purpurea. 50 g of their roots, mixed with 20 g of seeds Echinops and 60 g aruda. All pounded together with a pestle or ground in a blender, add 1 tbsp the resulting framework 250 ml of vodka. Cover the glass stopper and leave for a few weeks in a dark, warm corner, shaking from time to time. At the end of the infusion tool to filter and drink: 10 drops, diluted in water, half an hour before meal for 25-30 days.
  2. Parsnips, dandelion and nettle also aid to improve potency. For the preparation of the drug, 50 g parsnip the root of the well washed and ground, mixed with take 100 g of young leaves of nettle and dandelion. This "salad" you can fill with vegetable oil with vinegar and salt, moderate. Eat should be at 250-300 g per day, for any number of receptions, for up to 2 weeks. After that, when it is desirable to make the potty break.
  3. Spurge. The root is split, a separate 10 g, and insist week in 0.5 liters of vodka. The raw material is passed through a strainer and use it to enhance the attractiveness of a teaspoon (before the dissolution in water) in the morning, afternoon and evening. The total course of 14 days.

Other methods and tips

Answer natural, synthetic, hormone, and any other way to increase the efficiency, which is always an alternative. Physiotherapy does not lose its importance and effectiveness in the 20 or 60 years old, and has no contra-indications with the exception of acute conditions, when urgent help is needed. Body age of men respond to physical therapy even faster than young people, positive changes are noticeable brighter.

  1. Workout. The activity is useful at any age, but older, when the body processes slow down, the effect is felt better. The most useful physical exercises for the normalization of erectile function are: squats (if you just, at least to the knees), the technique is Kegel, jumping rope, rhythmic rotation of the pelvis.
  2. Massage. Will fit classical (back, testicles, penis) and exotic options (Thai, thuine, etc). In an era when stagnant phenomena in the pelvis develops because of aging joints and muscles, massage is worth a visit at least once a week. This will allow us to improve the health, increase the desire to have sexual relations, but also for the recovery of the body of the pelvis.
  3. Hirudotherapy. The saliva of leeches of all types, including medical, contains hirudin – anticoagulant enzyme slightly weaker than that of heparin. Treatment of them makes the blood thinner, helping to restore erection and for the prevention of cardiovascular complications during intercourse. Self-treatment with leeches is hard and bad – this has to be done only with the participation of girudoterapevt.

After 60 years for all men, typical symptoms of prostatitis. You can are noticeable, more or less, but they always had. This illness is dangerous complications on the urinary system. In addition, it reduces libido and affects hormonal balance.

Greater strength after the age of 60 may require the execution of every morning following approaches:

  • sit with straight legs on the floor, on the walls in the room, put your hands behind the head (for the complex – you can cross on the chest) and creeping efforts only the buttocks and feet on the opposite wall. Repeat twice or more (depending on distance);
  • when urinating, try to stop the flow of urine tension of the pelvic muscles. Repeat 2-3 times a bowel movement (and so at least once a day, two to three months).

You can also purchase and apply for up to three days per week with a special massager to do massage of the prostate.


Age changes in the "work" of the penis cannot be prevented and stop only to control them, to reduce the impact on the protection of personal data. Men who want to preserve the youthfulness of the reproductive system, which is old enough to care for their health in adolescence:

  • to avoid infection is fraught with sexual relations;
  • to practice "sex marathons" with multiple partners, or just one, but a whole night without interruption;
  • not too cool genitals:
  • not to isolate them beyond measure (leading to infertility);
  • for the protection of the area of the testicles against injury, including by lifting excessive weight.

Is it possible to fully restore erection in 60 years?

After menopause, in both sexes of the options in the bed are reduced permanently. But this is not always a bad thing. Sexual intercourse gives more emphasis on the heart and blood vessels. Than 50 years, their aging reaches escape velocity, and 60 of sex "in youth" may cause heart attack/stroke. With the described tips will help you re-establish a normal sex life (2-4 sex per month), this is more than enough at this age. In full (100%) for the recovery of the power, will not work.