Stimulants potency men: natural and synthetic

A healthy sexual life is very important for a strong half of mankind. Unfortunately, the everyday hustle and bustle, poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations and their impact on the manhood, that is linked directly with the above factors. Violation of potency can occur at any age. From such problems, no one is immune.

  • The external factors which affect male potency
  • Internal factors that affect the potency of men
  • Stimulants of potency on the basis of vegetative components
  • Synthetic stimulants power
  • Natural stimulant power

The smallest errors in the work of the male sexual organ, which often cause panic among the people. They immediately began to look for an opportunity to regain their lost potential. This explains the wide spread of different stimulants potency. Someone uses them on a regular basis, but most of them have only a vague idea.

The external factors which affect male potency

The impact on potency of the whole group of factors. Among the external factors are:

  • State of the environment. Unfavourable weather conditions (dirty water and air, high background radiation) has a significant impact on physical health. Damage for the whole of the male body, including the suffering of erectile function, reduced fertility.
  • A professional factor. Harmful working conditions, for example, a dusty room, or the presence of hazardous vapours. The non-observance of safety measures can also cause damage to men's health.
  • A sedentary lifestyle. If there is not enough motor activity impaired outflow of blood from the pelvic organs. Due to violations of trophism and the functioning of the sexual organs.
  • Trauma. After genital injuries, including surgical procedure, a man may lose some functionality due to bodily malfunction or hormonal imbalance.
  • Stimulants potency of men
  • Food addiction. Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in the quality of potency. In addition to supplementing the energy sources of food give the body fuel for the synthesis of sex hormones. For the creation of androgen requires cholesterol, which is animal fat. Man should follow a sufficient intake of fat in the body. At least 30% must be fats in the diet of the men, that the body continues to synthesize steroid hormones. The lack of cholesterol leads to exhaustion and reduction in power. It is important to consume foods rich in zinc and phosphorus, because they are the natural stimulants of potency.
  • Stress. Chronic stress and depression have a negative impact on the potency. That is in a state of mental stress, the male loses interest to life, as a result, problems in bed. Physical and mental fatigue coupled with the constant lack of sleep depletes the body reserves, so that the man does not feel the desire of sexual contact with a woman, extinguished libido, stamina, reduces the quality of the potency.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol or illicit drug addiction. All the bad habits cause significantly damage power.

Internal factors that affect the potency of men

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, with inflammatory or organic nature. These include nonspecific anti-inflammatory and infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually. In any inflammatory process disrupted the function of the body, in our case, suffers from the penis. Among the organic diseases, which may vary congenital, genetic disorders, cancer pathology, genital mutilation, and in the vicinity. When prostate cancer has disrupted the flow of semen and urine through the urethra. If the prostate is emptied and accumulated the secret, is fraught with serious complications.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. Violation of the correct ratio of male and female sex hormones leads to a decrease in sexual activity. Hormonal imbalance interfere with the proper development of the male reproductive system. When endocrine pathology such as diabetes that affects the blood vessels, and disturbed blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Glycosylation of nerve fibers result in less sensitivity of the penis.
  • The physical disease. Heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by violation of the circulation of the blood, which causes a violation of potency. One of the symptoms of arteriosclerosis obliterans of the aorta is impotence. In paralysis and paresis of various etiologies can diminish the efficiency, to impotence.
Stimulants of potency on the basis of vegetative components

Stimulants of potency on the basis of vegetative components

The most popular pharmaceutical stimulant power has gained a dietary supplements. Most often homeopathic or herbal preparation is the natural basis. These pharmaceutical remedies quite successfully cope with the problems of power, however, it is advisable to use them only after consulting a doctor. A Specialist will help you select the right product from a wide range.

It should be noted that the operation of the main mass dietary Supplements are designed to only short-term increase in power, but to eliminate the root cause of poor erection not able to. Both stimulants power to improve the quality of sex, significantly increases the feelings of men. Can be safely used for a long time, because it is not addictive.

The effect of the stimulant of natural origin, which is based on increased blood flow to the penis, which determines the power. On the shelves of pharmacies, you will find medications that must be taken in courses, and there are those that are used directly before the sexual intercourse.

Synthetic stimulants power

Having these stimulants prior to sexual intercourse, and achieve the effect takes some time. The experiments show that the man was not accustomed to these drugs, but without the sexual arousal the desired effect cannot be achieved.

Due to the fact that the synthetic stimuli, the number of contraindications, these should be used only as directed by your health care professional. It is not recommended that Viagra people with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Side effects from the medications can manifest in the form of headache or lumbar pain, dizziness, nausea.

Natural stimulant power


To promote the power of the suitable certain foods. Useful substances contained in them, have a positive effect on erectile function. Such products are called aphrodisiacs. Since ancient times, people have successfully used the gifts of nature to increase sexual energy. Excellent stimulant potency are the following products:

  • Nuts. It contains many important minerals and vitamins. All types of nuts are considered as natural aphrodisiacs. The most effective almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts. Even more advantages, which they offer in combination with honey.
  • Seafood. They have a high content of zinc element, which is responsible for the synthesis of testosterone. To enhance virility must not forget about the oysters, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, mussels.
  • Meat. Meat provides the body with protein, which are needed to strengthen an erection. It is not recommended to eat fatty meat. Useful beef and Turkey.
  • Vegetable food. Some fruits and vegetables can have a positive impact on potency and libido. Recognized leaders for the men of power are celery, parsley, cilantro, onions, figs, garlic.