How to improve potency in men

Many couples are looking for ways on how to improve the strength of the men in the home. This approach is not only quick assets. Problems with potency, it can be treated with vitamins, hormonal preparations, and traditional methods.

The power of the

The intensity of the stimulation of the

The power of men is lower due to the following reasons:

  • Poor blood flow to the pelvic area;
  • Psychological problems, fear of failure;
  • Insufficient production of male sex hormone;
  • Spasm of the muscles of the pelvic;
  • General fatigue-stress.

In order to cope with these conditions, you need to:

  • For the improvement of the blood circulation;
  • If you want to restore the trophism of the cells;
  • To obtain an adequate amount of the nutrients;
  • Reduction in foods that slow the metabolism;
  • If you want to move more, especially in the pelvic region;
  • To overcome a negative attitude towards sexual intercourse;
  • More sleep, less worry;
  • If you want to restore normal testosterone production.

To improve the potency as folk remedies and drugs: medications, vitamins. You also need to know what foods promote good testosterone levels, what foods will improve circulation.


The medications for improving potency in men, can be divided into several categories:

  • It encourages the blood rushing to the genital area. They have the resources, the speed and the real speed. In every sense of the word, of the drug can not be named – they are only a temporary increase of strength and help to carry out a sexual act.;
  • The relaxation of the muscles, shrinking the block – it improves blood circulation indirectly. An erection is easier to achieve, and the power output is more stable. Plus, these medications is that the abuse does not involve side effects in the form of disease of the heart and circulatory system.;
  • Vitamins
  • Hormone-replacement therapy. There are two types of artificially produced hormones – testosterone and prostaglandins. Testosterone provides the normal sexual activity of the male, directly or indirectly. Prostaglandin only improves blood circulation and relaxes the muscles;
  • Biologically active additives. Typically, the manufacturers indicate that these drugs are used plant extracts. In fact they are not drugs. The choice you make for the use of these drugs for the power or you don't. You can help to support a further improvement in potency against the General treatment;
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes. The most gentle the right way to restore the potency. In addition, it has a tonic effect on all systems of the body.


For the normal production of testosterone, good power, and stable erections require the following micro-nutrients:

  • Vitamin e Provides good blood circulation to the genitals. Swelling of what is important in the treatment of prostatitis, one of the main reasons for the poor performance. Involved in the production of testosterone;
  • Vitamin C To the vascular wall to be more elastic. Because of this, blood moves easier. Ensures the prevention of the inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • Vitamin D. Involved in the synthesis of the male sex hormone. It increases not only the power but sexual desire in itself;
  • Diet
  • The vitamins of the group B on the male a tonic effect. It is important to maintain a high level of testosterone;
  • Zinc. The basic building blocks of testosterone. Without it, the strength of a normal erection, in principle, impossible. It is a zinc deficiency often leads to such diseases as prostatitis. At a high level of zinc increases the vitality and the activity of the seed cells;
  • Selenium is causing a man's genitals work better. It is used in the treatment of not just impotence, and infertility.

There are a lot of foods that contain these vitamins and minerals such as:

  • Seafood;
  • Fish:
  • Egg-yolk;
  • Nuts;
  • Garlic;
  • Black bread;
  • Tomatoes, for instance;
  • Cabbage;
  • Oranges, lemons, tangerines;
  • The onion and the carrots;
  • The greens;
  • Olive oil
  • Green;
  • Yogurt and cottage cheese.

Folk remedies

Before trying to improve the strength of folk remedies to find out the opinion of the treating physician. Maybe the recipes are chosen, it will do more harm than good. Or they just do not bring about any effect.

Folk remedies

Try one of the following methods to improve the efficiency of the home

  • Across the three parts of a wine of two parts honey and one part aloe, add the parsley and seeds. Leave the product on for two weeks. Drink two tablespoons before meals, once a day;
  • Take out the mixture in the dried fruit and add the cinnamon and cloves. Cook this mixture in a red wine, do not boil. Can you drink before having sex, or every evening before dinner;
  • Dilute the honey with water to the consistency of jelly. Gauze moistened in the mixture, and is applied to the base of the penis. Compact to keep them around ten minutes to complete, it is best to do twice a day. The medicine should be used daily until improvement;
  • Used by ordinary mustard plasters to the soles of the feet. It will redirect the flow of the blood, so that she will be rushing to the pelvic area.