How do I increase the strength, after 50 years of

50 years of maturity, it is a combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities. But, it's the beginning of the fall of the erectile function. Of the medicinal product to increase the efficiency of the over 50 years of age, is appointed for a man with the signs of sexual weakness.

The intensity of the 50

And yet, instead of improving the potency, it is best to avoid its reduction. How do I do this? Of course, it is necessary to address to the urologist. The doctors of the following specialties of the treatment of the chief complaint, with the elimination of the root causes.

It is still, after 50 years, the deterioration of potency?

The strength at 50 years, they are not always reduced. It is believed that the celebration of the fiftieth birthday of the age. If you look at the classification proposed by the world health organization, the difference between 45 and 59 years of age corresponding to the average age.

Therefore, it is clear that the potency in men 50 years of age, and some of the older people, they are getting worse, it's impossible.

A list of the most common causes of

The negative of the external and internal exposure, taking into account the factors of risk, causes of sexual dysfunction. Doctors do not exclude the psychological aspect of the problem.

The stable functioning of the reproductive system is responsible for hormone, testosterone, which is the level of the age they will be reduced.

If the doctor suggests that the problem of the interference into his / her failure prior to the hearing to determine the laboratory diagnosis to confirm or exclude this hypothesis.

But, if there is a reason for this, is it the alcohol?

In this edition, the main condition for the moderation. If you're talking about a single glass of good dry red wine with dinner, and then the the negative impact does not be.

However, excessive alcohol is full of obesity on female type – increase in the abdomen, the Breasts (gynecomastia), in conjunction with the accompanying hormonal imbalance. As a result, the power can be greatly abused.

The fear of not

For over 50 years, the return is an emotional issue, fear not there is a scary man. The emerging vicious cycle, which creates an impenetrable barrier, through which it can not be anyone to cross it.

Help to a psychologist or sex therapist, explaining the irrationality of the fear. During the consultation, you can ask questions, learn how with the right mental attitude to increase the potency of 50 years.

Unhealthy diet and physical inactivity


Restaurants, fast food, processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle – the scourge of the modern, fast-growing companies.

Prepare your home today, a lot shall be rejected. If the fast-food appears on the table each and every day, to the disturbance of the body, which is not seen. However, the misuse of the accumulated "bad" cholesterol, which settles on the walls of the blood vessels.

Hypodynamia on the background of malnutrition slows down the metabolic processes and the breakdown products are not removed from the body.

For men over 50, two of the risk factors to elicit the full extent of the violations of the stroke, which ends up with impotence.

Of the disease such as risk factors, inability to

Physicians specializing in sexual dysfunction, however, is weakened at the background of somatic diseases. The negative effects of the disease itself and the medications used to treat it.

Therefore, before the treatment, the doctor explains to the patient the need for strict adherence to the dosage, duration and method of ingestion. Otherwise there is a risk of impotence increases.

The list of diseases that are dangerous to men of power

In the first place between the provocateurs — the pathology of the prostate – prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, malignant degeneration. When you find the disease for the first time, you need to cure it, and only then, to deal with the increased power.

Other diseases that can lead to sexual dysfunction include the following:


  • Elevated levels of sugar is demonstrated by the impairment of microcirculation. The course of diseases accompanied by a decrease in testosterone production has a direct impact on an erection.

The weakness of the peripheral innervation

  • It is formed when, as a result of damage to the nerves in the spinal cord at the level of the lumbar area of the spine, compression of nerve roots by herniation of the spine. After the surgical removal of a hernia the symptoms of a disorder to reduce the speed.

Sexual infections

  • Sexually transmitted disease, particularly affecting the structure of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, urethra. Relapsing inflammation of the prostate gland, causing the deficit to produce testosterone.

Problems with the thyroid gland

  • Impotence occurs when a malfunction of the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland. The first produces the TSH (thyroid stimulates the hormone), the response of the thyroid gland, T4 is generated, and then, in the blood – T3. In hypothyroidism, or Oncology T4 becomes low with a high TSH, which leads to the growth of the female hormone prolactin. As a result, the body of a man takes on a woman's preferences – obesity of the abdomen, gynecomastia, emotional lability. The product, in hypothyroidism falls off sharply.

The changes are associated with the external genital organs of the

  • For example, if peyronie's disease progresses, the fibrous component in the protein shell of the penis. A dense plaque of bending of the penis, and a sexual relationship accompanied by a severe pain syndrome.

50 years old — a critical age for men. Even worse to slow the disease. All of these factors are primarily affected, on the potency. A timely treatment in order to reduce its subsequent complications.

Drugs, which can lead to impotence

The treatment of an underlying medical disease, which can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of a lower potency. Therefore, it is necessary to know about the drugs that they have that ability, so I don't think about how to restore the disorders of potency.

The disease Medicine
Chronic prostatitis To reduce the inflammation on the background of the worsening, in some cases, prescribe hormonal agents – corticosteroids (with the ineffectiveness of non-steroidal medications). With a long reception of hormonal tablets, it marked the production of the sex hormones.
Hypertension (high blood pressure), Beta-blockers are at increased the synthesis of female hormones. After the end of the erection, it's easy to restore it.

The ACE inhibitors reduces the potency.

Diuretics (diuretic). The short answer is, no problems, but it is a long-term (more than 5 months of access) is decreasing in sexual function.

Diseases of the urinary system and the digestive system Narcotic analgesics. Prolonged uncontrolled use of induced hypogonadism (lack of testosterone).

Anti-ulcer. It requires a careful use of it. Of the certificate after it has not been demonstrated, however, we cannot rule out an indirect effect via the Central nervous system.

The Gastro-protection of hearing. The excess of the dosage of oregano as a normalization of the metabolism can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Allergy One of the side effects of antihistamines — anti-androgenic effect
Psycho-emotional disorders Drugs with psychotropic effects (antidepressants, light sedatives) may cause a loss of sexual desire. Could be the intake causing the lack of it.
To improve the potency

Sports, as a means to improve the potency

To increase the efficiency of the 50 years of the first, you'll need to find out the factors that have led to this situation. Depending on the type of chronic illness is determined by the tactic of the therapy. Not only that, the pills increase the efficiency of the but the and moderate exercise.

Regular exercises to restore the synthesis of testosterone in the body, increasing the opportunities for men.

Long walks

  • The motion promotes an increase of blood and oxygen, activates the metabolism. Long walks, to ensure the required load and the average level of intensity. This is an opportunity for the men to have rarely visited the gym.
  • It should be noted the strengthening of the muscular walls of the arteries, and increases the speed of blood flow. The pelvic organs receive the blood and nutrients needed to eliminate toxins.
  • Walking is a good influence on psycho-emotional background, decrease in depression and anxiety, the elimination of antidepressants and sedatives, which increase the strength.

Nordic walking

With a good level of physical fitness of Finnish walking sticks, allows you to adjust the weight. During the exercise involving almost all of the muscle groups, and the calories you burn 46% more than in the usual way.

This option can be used for men, whose power is decreased by diabetes.

The other kind of sports

If you want to walk the benefits of swimming, yoga, skiing. In any case, the effect will be positive – your muscles are saturated with oxygen, the heart works harder, the weight gets better, it improves mood.

Weightlifting (powerlifting) is not recommended for the unprepared. The only expert to participate in the boys, without any of the consequences, to be able to deal with a lot of weights.

Nordic walking

Systematic physical exercise has a positive effect on the sex drive, increases, the stable preservation of potency in men, even after 50.

How can we reduce the effects of stress?

The restoration of the stress-potency for men over 50 years, the include of the complex, which is composed of the feeding, the daily therapy exercises, taking vitamins and minerals.


The pharmaceutical industry brings together the s, the perfect male body. These would be the lack of essential microelements, normalize the formation of androgens (vitamin E), enhances the libido (tocopherol), and the quality of the seed (folic acid). The internal energy is increased the power increases.

The uniqueness of the complexes is determined by the structure, which would correspond to a daily rate for each course. Take the required course to be determined by your doctor.

The pharmacy is offering a wide list of vitamins to enhance the effectiveness of in men after 50. When you buy one, the emphasis is not on price but on the ingredients.

Vitamins are also medications which have many of the characteristics and side effects. So self-assignment is dangerous in severe consequences.

The principles of good nutrition

The first and most important rule is the number of calories you need to be in order. Only then, the extra weight will not increase.

The products under the ban Allowed
  • meat or oily fish;
  • meals with a high content of the salts to inhibit the release of excess fluids from the body;
  • sugary beverages – they increase his thirst, and the swelling is not going to be.
On the basis of the diet are to diet, lean, a little bit savory dishes:

  • chicken;
  • teal;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • fruit drinks, fruit drinks and herbal teas.

Fry in the oil is desirable, it is better to boil or simmer.

Some of the items to be considered for a low-cost natural resources, the improvement of the potency. These include the following:

  • seafood;
  • tip of the tail;
  • lemons, oranges
  • the quail egg;
  • chocolate;
  • avocados;
  • dates;
  • nuts;
  • green.

You can add to the diet will bring back the hormonal balance, increases the production of sex hormones.

A set of exercises


To increase the efficiency for over 50 years, the home of the exercise. Medical at best:

  1. The Twist Of The Ring. The impact on the pelvic area stimulates the flow of blood.
  2. Get on-the-spot. This exercise is done properly, if your knees can touch the chest. For the first time, it's hard to do, but the systematic training of the will, to solve this problem.
  3. It is not "helping hand". The exercise strengthens the muscles of the back.
  4. Lift up the pelvis. For proper operation you must lie on your back, a shoulder to cuddle up to the floor. The legs bent at the knees, heels as close as possible to push up to the buttocks. In this position, and then lift the pelvis.

The total duration of the training will not exceed 15 minutes. Therefore, to carry out a full range of daily needs.

What medicine will restore sexual life?

As a medical correction of the use of the drug in the form of a tablet or an ointment), and add-ons.

The traditional method of

Recipes of traditional medicine are having a positive effect on the potency, to improve and strengthen it. Most of them are to improve the security of the properties, and the General state of health:

The honey-nut mixture. To grind nuts, mix with honey in equal proportions on a daily basis to consume at Breakfast time.

The magic of green tea. In a pot, pour over the tea leaves, add the grated ginger, the saffron, and 1 of the carnation is the flower.

Ginger. It is effective in all of the models. You can be home to make a healthy drink. For this finely chop the ginger, pour boiling water and infuse. If you want to add the honey.

The traditional recipe is usually safe. However, prior to the use of folk methods to remove the intolerance of the components.

The advice of the doctors

Urologists, sexologists believe that it is, in fact, the best medicine is to increase the efficiency of the regular sex. An active sex life, especially in the 50 years that improves the flow of blood to the internal organs, nourishing the heart and brain of oxygen. It produces pleasure hormones and will make a positive impact on the overall mental and emotional background.

A special creams and gels that will help to diversify the intimate life, to introduce a new feature. You can buy them in adult stores or on-line.

The completion of the

In order to maintain a high level of performance in 50 years

  • Take account of the basics of good nutrition
  • the restoration and maintenance of physical activity.
  • vitamins
  • the timely treatment of chronic diseases

will give you the opportunity to be healthy, to enjoy life, to communicate with the woman, and the feel of his manhood.