How to increase efficiency

reasons for reducing potency and ways to increase it

There are various ways to increase the efficiency of the strong half of the population. The choice of method depends on the cause of the problem, the type of infringement.

The potential of men is declining for a variety of reasons. They are of a psychogenic or physiological nature. A man’s ability deteriorates due to exposure to toxic substances. Because sexual dysfunctions noticeably impair a man’s quality of life, many ask themselves the question: what are the main causes of the delicate disorder and how can efficiency be increased?

Why is sexual power taken away?

To increase efficiency, you need to know the main reasons for the decline. The problem affects men of different ages, more often it affects older men.

Predisposing factors for sexual dysfunction:

  • age of a man - over the years, the production of a hormone called "testosterone", which is responsible for sexual activity, decreases;
  • toxins - certain drugs, drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco;
  • stress, depression;
  • chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, too intense physical activity;
  • pathology of the urogenital system - the problem may be caused by prostatitis of various etiologies, urethritis, prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), neoplasms, mechanical damage to the genitals, sexual infections;
  • inactive lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • malnutrition;
  • is overweight.

The psychological aspect plays an important role. Increased sexual experiences (especially the first) due to the presence of phobias (fears) that are sexual in nature are reduced and, in some cases, loss of the ability to have a physiological erection. Irregular or too frequent sexual intercourse, inappropriate statements, reproaches by a sexual partner can affect erectile function. Some somatic diseases in which blood flow, metabolism, and transmission of nerve impulses are disrupted can cause erectile dysfunction.

Principles for Eliminating Sexual Dysfunction

How can I increase efficiency? The fight against intimate dysfunction should begin by eliminating the root causes.

They treat direct and concomitant diseases, get rid of bad habits, adjust daily routine (rest / work / sleep ratio) and diet, correct weight, avoid stress. Sometimes simple steps are enough to increase a man’s effectiveness.

Also use

to increase potency
  1. Medications.Pharmacological agents (usually PDE-5 or their herbal analogues) are used, after which the blood flow to the genitals increases. Antidepressants are prescribed to relieve nervous tension, emotional fatigue. Severe cases of impotence require hormonal correction - the endocrinologist may determine its suitability, not using such drugs on their own.
  2. A set of special exercises.Their goal is to train the muscles of the perineum, to increase local blood flow. Gymnastics doesn’t require a lot of time and money, but many men confirm its effectiveness.
  3. Mechanical stimulation using special devices- vacuum pumps, vibration devices for intimate purposes. They increase blood flow to the penis and improve erections. It is used just before sexual intercourse.
  4. The
  5. diet to increase male strengthincludes a balanced diet, the use of foods that affect sexual activity, and erectile consistency.
  6. Folk methods- use of various tinctures, herbal decoctions. For them to work, a single dose is usually not enough, a course is needed.
  7. Psychotherapy.A sex therapist or psychotherapist will help you get rid of phobias, sexual pathological complexes. Occasionally, professionals work with a partner (if permanent) because a woman’s role in male power is significant.

In addition to a series of special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum (which directly affect efficiency), men are strongly encouraged to exercise regularly. You don’t have to overload yourself to exhaustion, however, moderate sports training has a positive effect not only on sexual strength but also on health in general, contributing to the harmonious relief of the body and increasing self-esteem.

In severe cases, you should resort to a radical elimination of the problem. How to increase the effectiveness of men surgically? The genitals are operated on, phallus prostheses are performed.

PDE-5 inhibitors

Medicines containing PDE-5 inhibitors - sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil - have proven successful. They relax the blood vessels in the penis, which results in increased blood flow in the cavernous bodies and a lasting erection. After oral administration (once a day), the effect occurs on average after 20-30 minutes and lasts for 4-36 hours, depending on the drug, providing a strong, lasting, effective erection, providing enhanced sensations during sex. A condition is the presence of erotic stimulation, without which the drugs will not work.

The use of such drugs requires the prior approval of a physician on a case-by-case basis. The fact that they have an impressive list of contraindications and dangerous side effects. Such drugs should not be used by men with cardiovascular disorders, severe liver disease, kidney disease, genital anatomical defects, vision problems, and many other diseases. It is forbidden to take such drugs in parallel with nitrates and alpha-blockers. Side effects include vision loss, acute circulatory disorders, heart failure, kidney and liver failure, allergic reactions, and so on.

It is very often undesirable to use such tools. Only a doctor can authorize the use of such drugs, taking into account all the characteristics of the man's state of health, the presence of contraindications.

Folk recipes

The secrets of folk wisdom are popular among men who want to increase their sexual activity. There are several reasons for this. The recipes have been tested over the years, they are quite effective. The use of natural ingredients virtually eliminates unpleasant side effects. So, how to increase efficiency in a folk way?

The following medications are used:

  • Garlic tinctureis essential for men’s health. Place the chopped garlic cloves in a three-liter glass jar (most conveniently - a jar) (about a kilogram of product will be needed). Pour boiled water over the filled container. Insist for 30 days, shaking the bottle every day. Take a teaspoon every day.
  • Walnut (walnut) with natural honey.Nuts, useful for male strength, make them an essential product in eliminating weakened potency. They increase testosterone synthesis, increase sexual desire, saturate the body with a range of vitamins. How can you increase the effectiveness of this treatment? To make the healing mixture, chopped walnuts should be poured with liquid, high-quality honey (in equal proportions). Consume 2 tsp. twice daily after meals. Drink well with milk. The course is one month.
  • Ginseng tincture.The finished product is available in pharmacies. How can you increase the effectiveness of this treatment? It should be taken in 30 drops. The recording frequency is 2-3 r / d. Take the medicine before meals. The last reception should not take place at least 4 hours before bedtime - this is due to the pronounced tonic effect of such a tincture, it can cause insomnia. Potion increases testosterone levels, motility and sperm count.
  • Healing mixturetop of flowering basil, chopped walnut petals (2 tablespoons), horseradish root (eight tablespoons). Pour the mixture with a liter of mulled red wine, unwrap the container with a cloth, stick to it. Then filter the infusion. Take 100 ml three times daily before meals.

You can only use folk recipes after discussing them with your doctor. Keep in mind that even herbal medicines can have contraindications.

Men's Gymnastics (Kegel)

How to increase efficiency with training? Kegel tournament involves simple operations. Efficacy is affected by pubococcygeal muscle tone. You need to start training on an empty bladder. During the exercises you should pay attention to your breathing: inhalation - tension, exhalation - relaxation. You need to inhale evenly, deeply so that your muscles are well saturated with oxygen.

You can do the exercise in different positions - sitting, lying or standing:

  • alternately tighten and relax the muscle. Achieving a positive result requires at least fifteen times at first, and over time the amount is increased to a hundred per day - 3-5 approaches need to be implemented;
  • Slowly tighten the muscle, keeping it in this position. The "release" of the muscle should also be slow. Pause of 3 seconds is enough to start, then increase the time to 20 seconds. Perform in multiple approaches;
  • Tighten the muscle very slowly, tighten it, stretch it even more intensely, hold it back again, stretch it even harder, hold it. In addition, you need to relax your muscles intermittently, similar to a tension circle. Take at least ten approaches.

The result of the tournament does not come immediately. It takes at least a month and a half to notice an improvement in potency. However, the effect is lasting, there are no side effects. Over time, with regular exercise, your erection will improve even more.

What do we eat?

How to increase efficiency with diet? The diet must, of course, be balanced in the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids. Lots of raw vegetables, fruits, herbs to eat. It is advisable to reduce it to a minimum and it is better to completely exclude the consumption of fortified alcoholic beverages.

There is a list of foods that target male strength in bed:

  • Nuts.Walnuts contain huge amounts of zinc, which is needed to produce testosterone, as well as magnesium, potassium, manganese, vitamins, proteins. Almonds are a storehouse of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, vitamins, rich in arginine, which prevents vascular hypertension of the genitals. Pistachios contain zinc, arginine, folic acid, which improves sperm quality.
  • Seafood.Sea fish (salmon, mackerel, flounder) as well as shrimp, oysters, mussels, crustaceans, squid contain an optimal set of components useful for the male reproductive system. They contain many healthy omega acids, amino acids, selenium, zinc, which together improve efficiency.
  • Greens and root vegetables.Parsley, spinach, coriander, green onions, garlic, celery, ginger are considered useful for men. They contain plant substances similar to male sex hormones (androsterones). Parsley is also rich in apigenin - it suppresses the overproduction of female hormones in the male body.
  • Meat(rabbit, turkey, chicken, beef), eggs are a source of proteins and amino acids that the male body needs for sexual vitality.

Deterioration in sexual performance may progress. A professional will help you solve the problem. An integrated approach contributes to achieving the goal quickly and safely - improving human efficiency.