author Jiří

The name of the:


  • Penile secretion: appearance, causes of appearance. Penile discharge and STDs, discharge during sexual arousal. Diagnosing the cause.
    13 February 2022
  • In nature, there are a lot of plants, which will increase the strength of the men. Thank you for that, you'll be able to restore not only your sexual performance, but also the qualitative impact of the operation of the system as a whole.
    26 July 2019
  • The greater the strength of the men after 40 depend on the overall health. What is the drug, the traditional methods of training, that is, to do this, and why does decrease the potency?
    27 June 2019
  • From a certain age every man is wondering how to increase the power. And many of them perceive the weakening of the power, as a real tragedy, not thinking about it, that they themselves provoked their bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle.
    17 May 2019
  • In order to increase the power, do not have to use medications. A good effect can be achieved at home using natural methods: the healthy food and movement.
    8 April 2019